Pennzoil's latest campaign: A year in the making

MPC NY, JWT Atlanta and Skunk have combined 3D animation, real vapour, live-action and motion control to create two impressive new campaigns to showcase Pennzoil Platinum synthetic oil.

Author: Paul Banks

Published: 09 May 2014


MPC NY, JWT Atlanta and Skunk have combined 3D animation, real vapour, live-action and motion control to create two impressive new campaigns to showcase Pennzoil Platinum synthetic oil.

Directed by Skunk’s Raf Wathion, the two 30 second spots, titled Complete Projection and Gas in a Bottle, took almost a year to produce and didn’t need to resort to any fancy illumination – the only source of light used was the projection.

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MPC Creative David Estis said: “It was a fascinating film to direct and we set out to create a variation of visual particles, organic in shape and movement. We had an intensive pre-vis process to craft particle simulations that were free form and natural while also controlled in shape and design.”

Check out the two spots below, as well as a behind-the-scenes video:

Behind the scenes:

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