Marvel Television praises film-friendly New York

Marvel Television has voiced support for New York as a film-friendly shooting location as its new, locally-filmed comic book series Jessica Jones debuts on Netflix.

Author: Nick Goundry

Published: 20 Nov 2015

Marvel Television has voiced support for New York as a film-friendly shooting location as its new, locally-filmed comic book series Jessica Jones debuts on Netflix.

“We’re thrilled to be shooting these series in New York,” said Dan Buckley, President of Marvel Television, Publishing and Brand Management. “We wouldn’t be here without the leadership of Governor Cuomo and his continuing commitment to creating a film-friendly environment in this state.”

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Back in 2013, Marvel announced a huge overall deal to shoot four separate TV series in New York culminating in a fifth drama based on its Defenders superhero characters. The studio has already added to this with a second series of the well-received Daredevil TV show.

Also in 2013, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 became the largest ever production to film entirely in New York State.

New York is one of the top production hubs in the US. The state has a generous 30% filming tax credit and also specifically incentivises shooting outside New York City.

While Marvel has favoured New York for its TV series, its superhero features are mostly committed to Atlanta for the next few years, another part of the US that offers generous filming incentive support and world-class studio facilities.

For more on filming in New York, see our production guide.

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