Matt Damon filming Bourne 5 in Las Vegas

Matt Damon’s new Jason Bourne action adventure will spend the next couple of weeks filming a key chase sequence in Las Vegas.

Author: Nick Goundry

Published: 11 Jan 2016

Matt Damon’s new Jason Bourne action adventure will spend the next couple of weeks filming a key chase sequence in Las Vegas.

The shoot could be a big boost for the city and the state of Nevada. Despite its iconic status, Las Vegas struggles to attract sustained location filming because of the lack of a competitive tax incentive.

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Films and TV shows generally spend only a few days in the city filming exteriors before relocating to other parts of the US.

Bourne 5 started filming last autumn and is continuing the franchise’s globe-trotting reputation with stints in Tenerife (pictured), Berlin and London.

“We were in Tenerife, which is supposed to be Athens,” Damon told Variety in a recent interview. "It would be like a night-time riot scene to kind of start the movie. And then England, Berlin a little bit for about a week, and a little bit in DC. Then we're going to Vegas for the third act.”

The new film is the fifth in the Bourne franchise, and the third time Matt Damon has worked on the series with director Paul Greengrass following The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum.

Dramatic car and motorcycles chases have been cornerstones of all the Bourne movies, with previous instalments tearing up the streets of Paris, Berlin, Moscow and Tangier.

For more on filming in Nevada see our production guide.

Image: Frank Marshall/Twitter

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