The series is created and adapted for television by Isaure Pisani-Ferry, Jennifer Have and Raphaëlle Bacqué
By Ellie Calnan 10 Mar 2023
Daniel Brühl will star as Karl Lagerfeld in Disney+ series Kaiser Karl, which charts the rise of the iconic fashion designer.
The six-part series is currently shooting in France, Monaco and Italy.
Set in Paris during the 1970s, it will follow Lagerfeld as he competes with fellow designers Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé and rises up the ranks of high fashion.
Alongside Brühl, the cast includes Theodore Pellerin, Arnaud Valois, Alex Lutz and Agnes Jaoui.
Kaiser Karl is a co-production between Disney+ and French outfits Gaumont and Jour Premier.
The series is created and adapted for television by Isaure Pisani-Ferry, Jennifer Have and Raphaëlle Bacqué.
Director Jérôme Salle will be the “artistic mastermind” behind the series.
This article originally appeared on our sister site, Screendaily.
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