A letter from KFTV's new editor

Gabriella Geisinger

By Gabriella Geisinger 14 Apr 2023

A letter from KFTV's new editor

There are myriad sayings to encompass the ways in which teamwork and cooperation make a finished product the best it can be. My favourite comes from my old theatre director; he said: "It takes 15 people to do the work of 15 people." We all had a part to play. In the diverse ecosystem of film, the same is true.

The finished product, the show or film, that we sit back and enjoy takes an entire industry of experts and staff to create. I often liken it to an ecosystem: all parts need to be diverse, need to flourish, and of course, need light. So often, only one part of this ecosystem is given the wealth of publicity and accolades — the light, as it were. This is where I come in.

KFTV has long been a resource for those below-the-line staff and creatives to find each other, promote themselves, and most importantly get hired. But there's more to be done. My goal as editor of KFTV is to provide an editorial branch to highlight the 'invisible' (but in reality highly visible you just may not realise it) work that is done.

I want us to be leaders in the conversation about the production world; covering news, interviewing specialists, and writing industry-shaping features that help our section of the film ecosystem flourish, contributing to overall positive growth for the industry.

Of course, writing is also part of this ecosystem — from screenwriting to criticism to press releases. For my part in this, I have been able to create a career for myself as a culture critic and am fortunate enough to continue this work alongside my role at KFTV. Having expertise in multiple areas of this broad ecosystem affords me a unique set of skills to apply to expanding KFTV's editorial coverage.

Each element of our industry ecosystem is integral, and as editor of KFTV, I am excited to champion all the people and organisations that make productions happen. 

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