Glasgow generates £42.4m from filming in record year

The Scottish city hosted the productions of  Indiana Jones 5, The Flash and Batgirl in 2021. 

Author: Melissa Kasule

Published: 21 Jan 2022

Kelvin Hall Film & Studio Hub

Glasgow had a record-breaking year of productions filmed in the city, after it generated £42.4m for the local economy, according to the Glasgow Film Office (GFO). 

Throughout 2021, the city hosted a number of major international productions, including The Flash, Indiana Jones 5 and Batgirl, as well as local productions such as BBC series Guilt and Shetland

The GFO has acted as a 'one-stop shop' for all productions that wish to film in Glasgow, to help ensure a smooth filming process and deliver the greatest economic impact. 

The launch of the new film and TV studio, Kelvin Hall Film & Studio Hub, which is to be completed in late summer, is expected to further boost the development of the film and broadcast industry in Glasgow. The new Scottish hub recently housed the production of Channel 4 series Screw, building a three-storey prison on set.  It is expected the studio will help to create and maintain new and existing local jobs in the industry and support the development of a skilled and diverse workforce.

Councillor Ruairi Kelly, chair of Glasgow City Council’s Neighbourhoods, Housing and Public Realm Committee, said: "The remarkable figures for the film and broadcast industry in Glasgow during 2021 signify a major step forward in the sector’s activity in the city, and underline its economic importance.

"Glasgow Film Office have played a key role in this along with our Events and Filming team, and our ‘one-stop shop’ approach is proving a great draw for producers and location managers.  The Kelvin Hall Film & Studio Hub was the missing link in our offering and the basing of the entire production of a major film in the city for the first time points to a successful and sustainable future for this sector in Glasgow. Now we need to work with partners to ensure that young people from Glasgow can study and work in the creative industries and forge successful careers right here in the city.”

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